2 years this week

2 years ago on Thanksgiving break, after mulling over it again and again, we decided to switch our kids from public school to homeschool. 

While it wasn't a small decision and definitely affected our daily lives in a big way, we eventually we reached that point of realizing that if it's not the right choice, it can be undone and it didn't have to be a lifelong decision.. the school would take them back if we changed our minds. 😜 So we did it. 

Why did we decide to homeschool? 

COVID stuff was part of it. We didn't love the COVID policies the school had. I don't blame them for it though. I wouldn't have liked anything they came up with. 

We didn't like the lack of personalized learning. When you know what your kid is capable of, it's hard to watch them continually do less than that for years. 

And I had always considered homeschooling, though my husband was less sure. (We took the path of "let's try the school and see what happens' instead of "let's try homeschool and see what happens." )

It turns out that I'm definitely glad that we started in school like my husband wanted to because 1) I'm not sure I would have made it through the early years homeschooling with toddlers in tow (it can be done, for sure, but it wouldn't have been easy!) 2) we met so many people in our community that are now friends and it really made life in our small town even better.

That said, I am also glad we tried this homeschool thing. There are a ton of benefits and it suits us. Some of the benefits we've experienced are: personalized learning, more time to play, flexible schedule, more time together, ability to plan around the weather to be outside at best times of day, knowing exactly what the kids are learning, daily Bible time together, fewer sicknesses, less hurry, slow mornings, and just the journey of learning things alongside each other.

I'm thankful we were able to make this change and I'm excited to see what else homeschooling has in store for us. 
